> Bill,
> Thanks for the update.  I've never used the parallel port on my PC to
> talk to the SDR - even when I was using the Delta 44 card, I was using
> the USB-parallel option.  I actually have a printer plugged in to the
> parallel port - maybe PowerSDR is reading that for the power levels! It
> still amazes me that this appears to fail so gracefully.  In my
> experience when those pesky 1s and 0s are left to themselves, they tend
> to naughtiness ;)
> Question: is it possible to use A/J/O in soundcard-only mode and control
> the SDR via the USB-Parallel option or do I have to use the parallel
> port? (I can always move the printer off the parallel port to a usb port
> if necessary since it talks either way).

one silly question of flex-newbie.
What is A/J/O ?

Thank's !
Ruben Navarro Huedo

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