
As you are thinking about this, take another look at John (K2OX) 
Eckert's work at  
His measurements might shed some light on the discussion.

Tom   W0IVJ

Jim Lux wrote:

>At 07:39 PM 10/6/2007, Gerald Youngblood wrote:
>>Phil, I am afraid your jitter specs are not accurate.  TI performed custom
>>measurements for us last November on the SN65LVDT34.  They measured the
>>additive jitter at 156.25 MHz to be less than 0.5 ps rms over 10kHz to 40
>>MHz.  They phase noise plots they sent show -140 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset.
>>It is -130 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz.  I have the plots and jitter measurements on
>That's the "residual" phase noise due to the LVDS driver? (what it 
>adds to an ideal input sine) So it shows a 1/f kind of characteristic 
>for the phase noise? (which is sort of what I would expect, as 
>opposed to the classic resonator 1/f^2 characteristic).
>So, the overall characteristics would be the DDS output (which is 
>probably dominated by the reference oscillator, which is a 1/f^2, at 
>least in the few hundred hertz and out range) plus the 1/f noise of 
>the LVDS part plus the effect of the QSD (which I'll have to go 
>figure out or read), plus any analog noise at various places.
>And, then, there's the A/D clock effects.
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