Hi Jim,

Dave said: 

1.  My main signal sounded absolutely perfect
2.  There was a second "ghost" signal about 1Khz lower.
3.  On the "ghost" signal 
     a.  He could not hear "ghost" dits
     b.  He could here like a click at the beginning and end of the
"ghost" dashes.
4.  Together the two signals made like a "clucking" noise.  He'd never
heard anything like it.
5.  The phenomena was very consistent 

My first thought was RF feed back through the line from the paddles to
COM1 but using the keyboard via CWX the same phenomenon was present.  Of
course I could have still been getting feedback on 30 though I don't on
any other band.  My other thoughts are something to do with the caution
in the notes on SVN 1829 or I haven't done a calibration since before SVN
1818 was released and I have now have an IQ imbalance on CW XMIT.

Didn't have time to do any further on air testing today.  But have a
buddy about 6 miles away.  So will try to get some reproducible results

Hope this helps...

vy 73's

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:59:39 -0800 Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 10:10 AM 12/17/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >Have been using Beta V1.10.4 SVN:1829 since it was released with no 
> known
> >problems.   Just finished a Q with W0GMO on 30M.  (Actually first 
> time
> >ever with the rig on 30.)
> >
> >Dave reports that the rig was actually transmitting two signals 1 
> at S7
> >on 10.12481 and 1 at about S1 on approximately 10.12381.
> So, exactly 100 kHz away and 36 dB down?  Or might it be 96 kHz 
> away? 
> (which would be quite suspicious, since the sampling rate is 
> probably 
> either 48 or 96 kS/sec)
> What's your DDS IF (default is 9kHz.. in DDS box of setup form if 
> "expert" is checked)
> What sort of receiver was Dave using? (and does it have a 50 kHz 
> IF?)
> >He could only
> >hear the second signal as clicks at the beginning and end of the 
> dashes.
> >Same was true whether using the paddles or the CWX keyboard.
> Hmm.. could it be a slight imbalance between I/Q for higher (audio) 
> frequencies?
> The sideband suppression can vary across the audio band. For 
> instance, if one channel (L or R) had a bit more or less HF rolloff 
> (say, because the cable is slightly different, so different 
> parasitic 
> C) It's less likely across the RF band (the variation in frequency 
> is 
> a smaller fraction of the center frequency.
> If you want to do some tests.. does it change as you change your 
> frequency (in big or little steps)?
> Jim, W6RMK

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