Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED], on Mon 17 Dec 2007 09:57:17 PM PST:

> Hi Jim,
> Dave said:
> 1.  My main signal sounded absolutely perfect
> 2.  There was a second "ghost" signal about 1Khz lower.

My error.. (I thought 100kHz.. I obviously can't count digits). 1 kHz, then

> 3.  On the "ghost" signal
>      a.  He could not hear "ghost" dits
>      b.  He could here like a click at the beginning and end of the
> "ghost" dashes.
> 4.  Together the two signals made like a "clucking" noise.  He'd never
> heard anything like it.
> 5.  The phenomena was very consistent

Very odd..

> My first thought was RF feed back through the line from the paddles to
> COM1 but using the keyboard via CWX the same phenomenon was present.  Of
> course I could have still been getting feedback on 30 though I don't on
> any other band.  My other thoughts are something to do with the caution
> in the notes on SVN 1829 or I haven't done a calibration since before SVN
> 1818 was released and I have now have an IQ imbalance on CW XMIT.
> Didn't have time to do any further on air testing today.  But have a
> buddy about 6 miles away.  So will try to get some reproducible results
> tomorrow.

Try changing frequencies too (Assuming you have spur reduction on, try  
stepping it by a few hundred Hz, and see if it moves..)

Jim, W6RMK

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