Yep, been there.  Both with big drives at work
and home.

Outlook is not friendly for backups.  That helped
me switch to Mozilla Thunderbird.  Now it's a
plain folder that I can put on CD.

Rather than trying to do the whole drive for each
backup, I periodically make CDs and DVDs with my
critical files.  By making them plain files, I
don't have to worry about backup software (I got
burned with Microsoft Backup version differences
more than once.)  I also have PCs with two hard
drives in them and copy files between drives for
a quick backup; but that doesn't protect me from
a virus.  My archival files I recopy maybe once a
year.  CDs do degrade.  Don't forget to test your
backups and store them off site.  Fire and theft

Mike - AA8K

Gerald Youngblood (FlexRadio Systems) wrote:
> I can personally vouch for the need to back up!  Yesterday, I heard my
> laptop disk suddenly start going, "kirchunk, kirchunk, kirchunk,...."  The
> disk activity light stayed on continuously and when I did the CTRL/ALT/DEL
> it went blue screen.  My heart sank.  I did a hard shutdown and tried to
> reboot.  I goes to the point where it tries to access the disk and then it
> goes, "kirchunk, kirchunk, kirchunk,...."
> Well, I have over 15 years of address book and email records stored in
> Outlook with no backup.  I dropped it off at a disk recovery company here in
> Austin today.  They say the cost will range from $400 to $1,900 depending on
> the damage.
> I knew better but I kept promising myself I would look into online backup
> over the holidays.  I think Murphy was listening to my promise.  :>(
> Take heed all, lest yours crashes too.
> 73 and Merry Christmas to all,
> Gerald
> President
> FlexRadio Systems

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