Quoting Ed Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Fri 28 Dec 2007 11:15:29 AM PST:

> Frank,
> Please excuse my pedestrian approach. I am trying to visualize the
> overall system including how it will be developed and maintained.
> Your very helpful comments indicate that in the next version, the
> radio will consist of three discrete components, which communicate
> via hardware and/or software interfaces.
> The Flex 5000 (mostly hardware) component communicates with the Core
> component (all software) via the firewire interface.
> The Core component communicates with the Console component via the
> CAT command language on a messaging interface, whether comm emulation
> or some other. Provision is to be made for either streaming
> panadapter and meter info, or externally controlling a
> panadapter/meter window.

Since I'm not a developer of this, I'm totally speculating here, but  
here's my guesses:

I would assume that there is actually a slightly finer modularization  
in action here, because both the SDR1K and the F5K need to be  
supported, as do other interesting hardware platforms like the  
softrock and SDR-X, etc.

So, I would assume that there is a/are component(s) that is  
responsible for managing the hardware interfaces (i.e. formatting and  
communicating via MIDI for the F5K, via parallel port for the SDR1K),  
which themselves have a message passing interface from a more generic  
radio core. This interface, I would assume, would look a lot like the  
current API(s) invoked by console.cs, except restructured for message  
passing (i.e. instead of calling "int set_frequency(float frequency)"  
you'd send a "set frequency" message)

A question would be whether control of the second receiver board in a  
F5K is handled as a second instance of a receiver control component  
(in which case, someone has to arbitrate and sequence the messages to  
the F5K) or if it's rolled into the F5K control component.

And, also, I'd assume that the dttsp core(s) is a separate component  
(since it's always been developed as such and has a fairly clean  
interface), to which the radio core sends various and sundry messages  
(set bandwidth, set modes, etc.)

Multiple receivers would be multiple instances of a dttsp, fed from  
the same I/Q stream, but generating multiple audio outputs, which  
would then be mixed/panned/recorded/played back by standard audio  

The UI component would then talk to the "radio core" which would keep  
track of which signals are going where, etc.  At this level (UI to  
radio core), it appears that the messages are structured along the  
lines of the CAT commands.

Jim, W6RMK

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