On 05/01/2008, Greg - ZL3IX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am still using a very old SVN with my HPSDR, so have not experienced
> these recent problems.  Personally, I am in favour of using the envelope
> tracker, which I believe is implemented in COMP, rather than CPDR.  The
> envelope tracker seems to be the closest we get to analogue RF clipping,
> which is still my favourite.  I do not like companding, as it is very
> difficult to obtain enough compression without introducing harmonic
> distortion, which detracts from intelligibility on DX contacts.
> I am toying with the idea of not using any compression with PowerSDR,
> and using an outboard RF clipper, either analogue RF, or possibly the
> software version by Alex, VE3NEA.  Unfortunately, my own coding skills
> are not adequate, or I would be writing a DSP version of an RF clipper
> myself, and offering it to the project.  Does anyone with better skills
> than mine feel like trying that?
> 73, Greg, ZL3IX


Unfortunately I am in the same situation with you - no software
skills. Since early 70's I'm using so called RF clipper (home built)
in the IF chain of all Japanese transceivers I have had. So far some
earlier and short transmitting trials have not made me convinced about
the correct function of the SSB process of the PowerSDR, so I have
refused to use otherwise so excellent SDR-1000 for transmitting. I
want to admit, that during the last few months I have not tried any
new SVNs.

However, after some private communication with John, W5GI, I believe
that FlexRadio finally understands what kind of "DX-sound" we need and
want. Maybe, SVN1875 already is good. I am still waiting that the
version will be reasonably bugfree and suggested settings will be
given with good explanations in the Knowledge Base.

Just some more patience and FlexRadio will do that!

73, Ahti OH2RZ

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