there must be serious problems here...

I can get up to 7 words a minute, thats it ... I can barely make out 
signals between dits..

25 wpm...   no way... not here anyway..
SDR1K /w  HPSDR   P4 3.2 ghz  1gb pc2700


Ed Russell wrote:
> I can't reproduce this result. On a 3ghz quad core, with 192khz 
> sample rate and cpu at 8%, sending 25wpm, I hear no usable band sound 
> between dots. Only pops and crackles.
> 73 Ed W2RF
> On 25 Apr 2008 at 15:15, Robert Dennison wrote:
>> Hey Jerry,
>> You've probably noticed my post just pervious to yours.   With a 3Ghz
>> Pentium 3D and nothing but v1.10.4 running, I had QSK to 25 Wpm.   A
>> Pentium 3D is a bit of a dog so I bet a top end box gets 40WPM...
>> How about giving us your QSK performance limit?   Your machine and
>> Windows info.   No apps running but PowerSDR v1.10.4 basic release.
>> Over time I've established to my satisfaction my SDR1K doesn't issue any
>> discernable output power with a Drive of 0.  So, I just found a solid
>> tone in a CW subband off set my transmit frequency 200Hz so I could
>> recognize the tone, enabled break in set the delay to 10msec and had
>> at...  
>> DON'T do this procedure unless you know for sure your SDR doesn't
>> generate any power with "0" DRIVE!
>> If we get a dozen or so results, we can probably pin this down to truth!
>> very best regards
>> Rob
>> AB7CF
>> On Fri, 25 Apr 2008 17:04:13 -0400 Jerry Flanders
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> At 03:35 PM 4/25/2008, Jim Lux wrote:
>>>> Quoting Jerry Flanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Fri 25 Apr 
>>> 2008
>>>> 11:30:57 AM PDT:
>>>>> I am beginning to wonder if CW in the production software is 
>>> broken
>>>>> and only we in the field notice it. Or perhaps the production 
>>> version
>>>>> does not presently include features of the version used by Bob 
>>> above?
>>>> here's a simple test which someone with a F5K could run
>>>> If you have a marker generator or calibrator, turn it on with 
>>> <snip>
>>> Hi Jim
>>> Actually, it is pretty easy to test by ear, and you don't need any 
>>> special equipment - QSK is the ability to actually hear activity on 
>>> the band between dits at a reasonable speed. Simply set the CW speed 
>>> to, for example, 35 WPM, key a string of dits and listen for band 
>>> activity between the dits. This is the true test of a QSk radio - no 
>>> test generators required. The ICOM 756PRO3 passes this test, as does 
>>> the Elecraft K3 and many other modern radios.
>>> Jerry W4UK
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