
The end game is not here yet.  This is barely the beginning.  My point is, from 
what I see it is the existence of a business interest that anchors the 
community.  It is like the campfire that people come to gather around, get warm 
and fellowship.  The reward is in the fact some kid can get one of these and 
hook it up to his computer and totally flip at the experience.  That kind of 
thing is life changing and world changing, and it is people like you who by 
placing your ideas at the disposal of others actually make a difference in the 
world.  That is the real pay back, bringing the difference into reality and not 
just blowing smoke.  As a teacher you know this instinctively.  What you 
unleashed on the world will propagate almost as a child, then a grandchild and 
on and on.  

PowerSDR will be left in the dust as better things come along, but the change 
in some Indian kids life will last forever.  I got into ham radio when I was 6 
years old because my Grandpa gave me an old AC/DC radio that covered 160M.  
Shocked the hell out of myself hooking up 50ft of antenna wire.  I heard a 
couple of kids from the local high school mobile-ing home after school on that 
radio, and I JUST HAD TO GET IN ON THE FUN.  Listening to WLS was fun, but this 
was friggin magic, and I was friggin driven.  12 years later I would up at 
Purdue in the engineering program.  No AC/DC?  Who knows what my life would 
have held.  Gramps is long dead but the experience and my gratitude is still 

73  W9OY

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