Some friends of mine and I often meet on 80 meters to operate in 
wideband audio mode (4k to 5k audio) on SSB.  (Yes, I know that this 
isn't recommended operating practice,but we do it early in the evening 
before the band becomes occupied, so (hopefully) we aren't bothering 
anyone, and it sure does sound good.)  Anyway, there have been a few 
complaints about my audio.  I've been fighting this problem since 
January, and I've tried a number of things to improve the audio, but 
nothing has helped.  Neither Gerald nor John at Flex have had any luck 
replicating my problem - it seems I'm the only one experiencing it.

Anyway - I'm at wit's end trying to figure out what the heck is going 
on, and so I thought I'd try the massive brain power on the reflector to 
see if anyone here might have any ideas.  I'm open to all suggestions!

To get an idea of what I'm experiencing, you can go to my Blog.  The URL 

There are three different audio tests.  If you could, please take a 
listen.  Is there distortion, or am I imagining things?  If you do hear 
distortion, any ideas of what to do?

Suggestions, advice, and comments are welcome!  And by the way, if any 
of you run a Heil PR-40 directly into your Flex, what settings for TX EQ 
do you use?


- Jeff, k6jca

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