On Jul 20, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Tim Ellison wrote:

> "Well, that will be tough because I am only using the devices on the  
> MB itself. There are no boards plugged into any of the PCI slots."
> AH HA!  I am sure the mobo Firewire interface is your problem.


> There have been several glitching related issues that were resolved  
> by *not* using the mobo Firewire interface.  It usually shares too  
> many other resources with other mobo embedded devices.
> I had to go to an external Firewire ExpressCard for my laptop  
> because it would not work well at any sampling rate other than 48K.   
> Now I can run at 96 or 128 K dropout free.

You do understand that the dropouts are on the VAC link to MixW, not  
between PowerSDR and the '5K. I am having no problems with FireWire  
comm to the '5K itself. Even with VAC and MixW running PowerSDR does  
not show any bad behavior and the analog line-out signal to my Mac is  

> Also, only run VAC at 48K (not to be confused with the audio  
> sampling rate).

I am running the VAC link at 12Ksps.

> You may need to tune you VAC channel parameters too, particularly  
> the ms/int values.

Varying ms/int over the range of 5-15 didn't seem to have any effect  
either way.

> The following KB article can be very helpful in setting up MixW and  
> VAC.
> HOWTO: How to Setup Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) 4.0x with PowerSDR
> (http://kb.flex-radio.com/article.aspx?id=10218)
> One other thing.  In MixW, configure the audio processing method to  
> DirectX.

Interesting. If anything the dropout rate is higher when I do that but  
it is something else to try.

Still, no luck.

Thank you for the ideas.

> -Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> ] On Behalf Of Brian Lloyd
> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 7:59 PM
> To: Neal Campbell
> Cc: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Dropouts in VAC stream (was: differences  
> betweenPSK31 demodulators)
> On Jul 20, 2008, at 3:08 PM, Neal Campbell wrote:
>> Hi guys!
>> Brian, what model of Athlon X2 are you using? How much memory and  
>> what
>> video card (sri if I missed this in a prior note)!.
> AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+, 2.01GHz, 1GB RAM. NVIDIA GeForce
> 6150 on the MB.
>> The very first thing to do is go to
>> http://www.tweakhound.com/xp/xptweaks/supertweaks2.htm and follow his
>> XP tweaking advice. When it gets to the part about turning off  
>> Windows
>> services, I would turn off the services listed in "Level 2" and if  
>> you
>> run into problems, make the services settings look like Level 1.
> OK, did that. Set up for level-3. Pretty agressive. No change (as I
> have mentioned).
>> Anything that requires you open Regedit, ignore.
> Sensible.
>> Second thing is to make sure your 1394a adapter isn't sharing an IRQ
>> (interrupt) with any other bandwidth hogs like the USB controllers,
>> the lan controllers or the video adapater. To do this go to the  
>> System
>> control panel, select hardware manager and once its open, go to the
>> view menu item and click on "by connection". This will sort the list
>> of devices by interrupt. Find your video card and see what else is
>> sharing it. If one of the bandwidth hogs I mentioned are sharing with
>> it, try moving it (or some of the other devices) to different slots.
>> On my machine, it wants to share the IRQ with the Ultra Audio Adapter
>> so I just disabled it in the device manager.
> Well, that will be tough because I am only using the devices on the MB
> itself. There are no boards plugged into any of the PCI slots.
>> One other thing (while you have the device manager open), make sure
>> that the machine isn't trying to run TCP over the firewire port (its
>> default for some reason). Disable the 1394 Network Connection (don't
>> worry, it doesn't disable your firewire controller).
> Already done. I always disable that right off the bat on any system I
> am running.
>> I have a computer with a X2-4800 and 2GB of memory and have run mixw
>> with the Flex-recommended values in VAC, at 96 Khz/1024 defined in  
>> the
>> driver spec and 2048 in the DSP buffer size. I would start at that  
>> and
>> if you see gaps in the waterfall (after doing the optimizations in
>> tweakhound) try 4096 in the DSP buffer.
> Already up to 2048 in the Flex-5000 control panel. DSP buffer size was
> already 4096.
>> The reason this can't be a "recipe" for everyone is that everyone's
>> set their operating system differently, has their 1394a card sharing
>> its IRQ with different devices, etc. Windows machines are "the wild
>> west" when it comes to performance tuning (not even sure its an art).
>> Let me know how this goes!
> It didn't, at least not for MixW. Now it is time to try other programs
> to see if that has any effect.
> --
> 73 de Brian, WB6RQN
> Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com
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73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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