Thanks to everyone who replied. There seem to be enough questions that
I am going to provide more detail on the projects.

Two boys, Joshua Fournier, KI6PJW (Gen), and Michael Binon, KI6QOC
(Tech), set out to build a totally-self-contained portable HF station
that is small enough to fit into a backpack and still allow them to
carry necessities for survival. Michael is in sixth-grade and a Boy
Scout well on his way toward earning his Eagle Scout rating. He and
Josh both like to hike so decided that it would be cool to take the
radio with them. The goal was to have it be completely self-contained
and provide its own power regardless of the duration of the hike,
hence the desire for solar power to keep the battery charged.

Last year I had students who tried to do projects together which did
not work out. One student ended up doing most of the work and the
results were clearly not a team effort. This year I told them that
they could not collaborate and must each produce an individual
project. That way one student's failure to perform would not impact
another student. Since both Michael and Joshua had an interest in
constructing the backpack station, I suggested that they define it as
two separate engineering problems to solve and then each could solve
their own particular problem independent of the other. Joshua took on
the problem of the power system and physical design while Michael
tackled the problem of selecting the best antenna to go in the

Joshua's problem was pretty straight-forward:

1. do a power budget to determine required battery capacity;
2. select an appropriate battery technology (LiPoly, NiMH, or lead-acid);
3. determine necessary PV panel size;
4. come up with a rugged, adjustable mounting for the PV panel that
would allow room for the rest of the stuff in the backpack, e.g.
sleeping bag, tent, food, water, etc.

Joshua even provided a fall-back position on the antenna by building
and testing a center-fed, non-resonant doublet fed with 300-ohm
twin-lead and tuned with a small, balanced-line tuner.

Josh did some serious engineering. He would come up with ideas, sketch
them in his engineering notebook, bounce his ideas off of me, research
materials, and then go build. He got his father and grandfather to
help with metal fabrication. I wish that some of the engineers that I
once had working for me did work of this quality.

Michael discovered about half-way into his project that antennas are a
much more difficult topic than he originally anticipated. He had some
real false starts and darned near broke up his parents' marriage
getting his father, who knows nothing about radio, to help. I had to
take a more proactive role and guide him through understanding the
various antenna types and their construction.

His original plan was to build 1/10th scale model antennas at 2M and
test those as neither he nor I had come up with a way to test antennas
in real-time with the same signal. Instead we were going to use my
miniVNA to measure path-loss in the far-field. Being able to quickly
build and test scale antennas gave him a much better understanding of
what was happening. It also left our technology lab at school looking
like a spider web with students having to crawl on the floor to get to
open workspace. :-)

About that time I was talking about multiple receivers in the F5K vs.
the K3. We were talking about diversity reception and a light bulb
went on for me. I suggested to Michael that he use the F5K to measure
two antennas simultaneously. He came up with a test plan using the
dipole as the reference antenna against which to test each of the
other antennas; i.e. 1-wave delta loop, 1/4-wave ground plane, and
end-fed non-resonant wire. Michael drew up a layout for the antennas
which would minimize interaction and  collected materials. The head
administrator for the school gave him leave to use his classmates and
class time to set up his antenna test range as a practice run setting
up antennas for field-day. (Field Day at our school is an official
school event.)

Nothing went according to plan. Everything took three times longer
than planned and Michael only managed to get his data last weekend.
Still, it was good data. He used PSK31 signals as his test signals
because they are narrow, constant power, and all the power is
concentrated close in to the carrier allowing narrow filters to
minimize power from adjacent signals and to provide good S:N. The only
problem was, last weekend was a big PSK31 contest and it took real
skill to collect data points with the quick exchanges. OTOH it also
meant that there were a lot of stations on the air so he didn't lack
for sources.

When we got done (yeah, I got roped into running the F5K and calling
out signal-level readings) we had quite a bit of data. Because of the
1dBm resolution Michael took many readings and then averaged the
differences. I was surprised at the accuracy of the results. His data
showed that the loop had a 2.6dB advantage over the dipole; the
ground-plane had 0dB advantage over the dipole, and the end-fed wire
with counterpoise came in well behind the dipole, -15dB.

After taking data for the dipole and loop and seeing the loop's
consistent 2-3 dB advantage, he became concerned about the data from
the dipole and ground plane with no apparent consistency. I had him
put on the headphones and listen to signals in diversity mode.
Understanding led to a discussion of polarization rotation. We took
lots of data points and averaged the data. This time the average
indicated that there was no advantage to the ground-plane over the

The end-fed wire was a big loser. Its only saving grace was that it
was the easiest antenna to build and erect so it actually didn't end
up too far down on his comparison matrix.

Now it is possible to glean this information from the various ARRL
handbooks but the act of doing the work and getting good data in the
field both aids in building understanding and confidence. When Josh
and Michael talk about antennas they now sound like old hams.

Turns out that Michael and Josh were their own competition. Michael
placed 1st and Joshua placed 2nd in the engineering category. If I had
a choice I would have reversed those because this is Joshua's last
year (we only go to 8th grade) and he really did his project 100%
independently. Michael is only in 6th grade so has several years to
compete in the Junior division. Also Michael needed more help and
direction. Regardless, he did the actual work, does understand the
material, and could certainly replicate it completely on his own
without assistance now so I think he earned the award.

Moving on, I had several low-end 434MHz part-15 transmitter and
receiver modules intended for wireless remote control kicking around
for the kids to use in projects. I originally got them to use in
making hidden transmitters to t-hunting and also to send up in
balloons as balloon-sats for tracking and simple telemetry. I figured
we could afford to lose the $8 100mW transmitter modules. The $8
receiver modules are superregen but they work and I am again
unconcerned about something happening to them.

Frankie, KI6QYS, looking for something to do that involved some kind
of remote control, latched onto the modules. He has written simple
programs to control the robots but this became a crash-course in
learning about async serial communications.

I gave him a plan working up from simple 4-line programs keying the
transmitter and detecting that at the receiver, to sending data from a
PC, framing it, and displaying it on a small LCD at the receiver.
Again, nothing went as planned and I spent a fair amount of time
giving him small experiments to try to determine what was happening.
We ran into all kinds of limitations with the small modules and with
the Basic Stamp microcontrollers which ended up reflected in the final
code. (The final framing has the transmitter sending pad characters to
deal with timing constraints in the receiver code.) Regardless, he
finally converged on code that would allow reliable transmission of
arbitrary-length messages from one microcontroller to the other. It
isn't quite AX.25 or TCP/IP but he understands what he did and what
all the problems were. He even asked me about how to do a preamble
that wasn't characters so it shows he is thinking. Next I probably
need to show him how HDLC is framed. Not bad for a 6th-grader who
started out thinking that this science fair stuff was boring and not
worth doing.

The key to me is that these were real engineering projects with real
goals. Every single project presented serious problems that required
creative problem-solving. All students went from almost zero knowledge
to being able to troubleshoot problems effectively which indicates
significant understanding. You can't ask for more than that.

It is also somewhat serendipitous to me in that I won the regional and
California State science fairs two years running back in the 1960's.
It will be interesting to return to the place where I won 42 years
later with my own students in tow.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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