At 08:44 5/30/2009, Jim R wrote:
I'm doing it without DDUTIL on my 5000. The 3000 should be the same. Here's the e-mail I sent the other day with the details explaining how. Jim K5HY

Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Tokyo HyPower
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 01:24:14 -0500
I have the HL-1.5 KFX. It works directly with the flex 5000 using my computer serial port connected to the Kenwood serial port on the THP amp. You have to set the Flex CAT control tab settings to 9600 8-N-1, check the "enable CAT" and "Allow Kenwood Al Command" checkboxes. COM 1 is the only choice shown and my computer serial port is set for COM 1. The band switching works fine this way without using DDUTIL. Of course you need a serial port on your computer which most machines do not have nowadays so you may need a USB to serial converter which are sometimes finicky. Jim K5HY

OK, I did the above, strangely when I checked "Enable CAT" all the port speed, data bits and stop bits greyed out. Is that normal????

Tried testing the tracking (THP set to Kenwood), change bands on PowerSDR without transmitting, the THP did not light any band light. It did work in manual. Here are my possible culprits:

1.  PowerSDR bug, explains greyed out choices
2. Wrong port used (my comp has 2).  I tried not to do this
3.  Bad cable (I have another but it is close to too short)
4. Bad THP (I kind of doubt this unless it is a problem in the Kenwood port, because manual works).

Any comments, clues or ???

Also, there is a caution in the THP literature that high power spikes on the first part of a transmission can overload the finals, shortening their life. Anyone have any experience with this on Flex radios???

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
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