On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Tim Ellison<telli...@itsco.com> wrote:
> Ah ha!
> I have had less than stealer success using Firewire 800 cards (either 800 
> with a bilingual cable or a 800/400 combo card) with the FLEX-5000 and 
> FLEX-3000.  I tried a combo Firewire 800400 card with a TI chipset earlier 
> this year on XP and the driver that was required for it to load would not 
> work with the FLEX-x000 - no matter what system level driver (not the FLEX 
> Firewire driver) I loaded.   I replaced it with a $10 1394a card and all was 
> well.   This isn't to say all 1394b host bus controllers will not work, but I 
> suspect the Firewire interface at this point.

He is running a Mac Mini. He is using the on-board 1394b. There is no
way to add another card to the mini.

I was going to comment but realized that he is using a later mini that
I have used. (The Mini's that I have tried are older and only offer
IEEE-1394a.) I *am* running successfully on my MacBook Pro using the
IEEE-1394a plug. I have not tried the IEEE-1394b plug with an adaptor
cable yet.

To get the mac mini to work I normally perform the following steps:

1. Create a partition with Boot-Camp.
2. Install Windows XP home SP2.
3. Install the drivers from the Boot-Camp disk.
4. Do the upgrade to SP3. If you get the error about not enough disk
space, do the regedit change suggested by Microsoft. (I found the
instructions by searching on the error from the Microsoft support
page. I posted the information here about 6 months back if I recall.)
5. Do all the software upgrades from Microsoft.
6. Do all the software upgrades from Apple.
7. Apply the hot-patch from Microsoft for the FireWire (IEEE-1394).

You now have a system that is ready to install PowerSDR.

8. Install the Flex 5000 driver.
9. Install PowerSDR.
10. Make sure these are both working properly.
11. Install VAC 4.09 live version -- DO NOT INSTALL THE DEMO
VERSION!!!!!!!!!! Configure it for two channels.
12. Install com0com. Configure it for two virtual RS232 cables:
COM6<>COM16 and COM7<>COM17. Enable buffer overrun on both.
13. Configure PowerSDR Audio>VAC. Use Driver: MME, Input: Virtual
Cable 2, Output: Virtual Cable 1.
14. Configure PowerSDR CAT Control for port COM6. Click to enable CAT.
Set the ID as: PowerSDR.
13. Install ddutil. Configure it to talk to the rig on COM16.
Configure it to talk to the rigctl program on COM17.
14. Download fldigi and the PowerSDR.xml rig control description file
from the fldigi home page.
15. Install fldigi. Copy the PowerSDR.xml file to the rigs folder
inside the fldigi.files folder. (The fldigi.files folder is at the top
level for the user under "Documents and Settings".)
16. Configure fldigi soundcard configuration to use portaudio with
Capture: Virtual Cable 1, and Playback: Virtual Cable 2.
17. Select the "Rig" tab of the fldigi configuration pane. Select the
"RigCAT" tab.
* Use RigCAT selected
* Rig description file: PowerSDR.xml
* Device: COM7
* Retries 3
* Retry interval 30
* command interval 80
* CAT command for PTT selected
* click "initialize", "save", and "close".

You are up and running.

Yes, besides fldigi there are other digital mode programs. But since I
run on MacOS, Windows, and Linux, I prefer fldigi. If you are only
going to run on Windows then I suggest you also consider the Ham Radio
Deluxe/DM780 combo. If you have followed the above instructions you
can pretty much substitute HRD for fldigi. I find the logging in HRD
and fldigi adequate for my uses. (I operate digital modes almost
exculsively.) For occasional voice operation I use the logging in HRD
as it supports this mode properly whereas the logging in fldigi does

Good luck!

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

P.S. I will try out my F5K on my MacBook Pro using the IEEE-1394b port
with an adaptor cable and report back here.

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