This 5K is operating on a custom built workstation according to the
recommendations published in the KB to the tune of well over $1K without
displays.  It is used only for running the 5K.

It is a clean XP Pro install from a virgin Microsoft CD-ROM and was
connected to the Internet only long enough to register the OS and download
the required service packs (including .NET and the like).  It was
disconnected from the home network after that time and has not seen the
light (or darkness) of the web since then.  All software installs and
updates are downloaded from this computer and hand carried to the radio

Besides the firmware/driver/PSDR software, the only other software loaded is
com0com, registered version of VAC, paid version of CW skimmer, and my
logging program LOGic 8. Oh, and Adobe Acrobat Reader so I can RTFM.

Machines can't get much cleaner than this one.

Setup values are the default modified by the values presented in the "Expert
Settings" published in the database.  Settings in VAC and CW Skimmer are per
the KB articles as well.

Frank N1UW

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian Lloyd
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:22 AM
To: Lee A Crocker
Cc: Flexradio
Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: [Flexradio] CW Transmit Problem

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:49 AM, Lee A Crocker <>
> Sounds to me like you have some external program that is taking over the
interrupt every 2 seconds long enough to hose PSDR or something like that  
Probably windows phoning home to the mother ship or some seti calc program
or something like that  Try some of the KC info about optimizing windows and
shutting down all the extra cra... err enhancements

I watch these same questions/comments/problems appear here over and
over. You know Lee, this just keeps pointing back to the same advice
-- don't run anything else on the machine that runs your radio. If
it's not there it can't screw things up. This goes for firewalls,
antivirus, web browsing, email, etc., etc.

If you are worried about your machine getting hacked, unplug its
network connection. Plug it in only when you are downloading new
PowerSDR bits, windows updates, and updating your logbook at LoTW or
eQSL. When done, unplug again.

Here is the basic formula for running PowerSDR happily-ever-after:

1. Install WindowsXP;
2. Install only the programs necessary to run the radio, e.g. Flex
driver, PowerSDR, VAC, com0com, and your favorite
logging/rig-control/digital mode program.
3. Turn off all the unnecessary functions of windows.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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