Except, that most radios made after WW II can hear signals
much weaker than that. 60dB down from 1 KW is 1 mW. QRP guys
can work wonders at that level !!
And considering the last couple expeditions, that's about the
signal level we are hearing at this point in the SS Cycle !!

73, Dick, W1KSZ

-----Original Message-----
>From: Dave Gomberg <da...@wcf.com>
>Sent: Oct 19, 2009 1:23 PM
>To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Flex 5000 transmit spur
>At 12:38 10/19/2009, Ian Wade G3NRW wrote:
>>If you are calling a station up 2 KHz or so
>>and are running an amplifier you will most definitely put out a signal,
>>thanks to the spur, that people can hear. Flex is very aware of this but
>>they have NOT, repeat NOT fixed this.
>Doesn't type acceptance require that it be 60dB down or some such????
>Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
>All addresses, phones, etc. at http://www.wcf.com/ham/info.html
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