The interesting thing about all this is the DPC latency vs. performance is a 
binary situation.  It works until it doesn't.  You don't observe a gradual 
degradation of performance.

I think what you are dealing with when you are within the "acceptable range" of 
DPC latency is headroom to a certain degree.  I have to agree with Neal is if 
it works and you are happy, there really isn't a reason to muck with it or 
spend $200 bucks to get a 15% reduction in DPC latency if your average is below 
100 us.

Does lowering the DPC latency numbers give you better "protection" when running 
other programs?  Absolutely not.  Example, I have a Core 2 Duo machine whose 
average DPC latency is ~50us.  I can load up several other programs, some ham 
related, others not and now my average latency numbers are ~110 us with 
"spikes" up to 250 us.  Still VERY respectable.  Now, I can load this one 
little OBNOXIOUS program and WHAM!  PowerSDR locks up repeatedly and 
reproducibly.  That program is MS Outlook using the HTTP/RPC transport.  Will a 
20us DPC latency machine stop this from happening? No, it will not because 
Outlook will still generate 4000+ us DPC latencies.  The only way to reduce DPC 
latencies that are this high is to stop using programs that cause you grief.  
Now, if you average system DPC latency is on the order of 1000 us, then by all 
means getting a PC that has a MUCH lower average DPC latency will allow you to 
run things on your PC that you might otherwise not be able to do.

The bottom line is usability.  If PowerSDR is working with little to no (my 
preference) freezes, then it really doesn't matter.  BTW, not all PowerSDR 
"freezes" are DPC related.  If you have low DPC latency and PowerSDR is 
freezing up, you a RFI issue.  Either near field RF exposure or more likely 
common mode RF currents are getting back into the computer via the Firewire 
cable.  Makes sure the computer and SDR hardware are grounded well.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ross Stenberg
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Things I have learned after 8 months selling 

Neil, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I see that your goal is 
avg 20us DPCs. What is your take on performance hits due to higher DPCs? I 
believe the Flex position is that performance should be acceptable if DPCs 
are no more that 1000us as shown on the their driver DPC latency checker. 
Does it really make a difference if ones DPC is 138us or 543us?

    73 Ross  K9COX

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