
You are welcome to import the old database but I cannot guarantee that there
won't be any issues in doing so.  A number of parameters have changed.


Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
President and CEO
FlexRadio Systems(TM)
13091 Pond Springs Road, #250
Austin, TX 78729
Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 202
Web: <>

Tune In Excitement (TM)

PowerSDR(TM) is a trademark of FlexRadio Systems

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Kevin Hobbs <> wrote:

> Hi Gerald
> I look forward to trying the update ... but, as I twiddle a million
> settings
> trying to get my radio back to the way it was ... can you really not keep
> any of the user settings between updates? Must I really completely re-enter
> my Antenna table, CAT settings, VAC settings, CW strings, etc??? These
> things didn't seem to change ... so I don't understand why they must be
> continually re-entered manually?
> 73 Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Gerald Youngblood
> Sent: February-18-11 3:59 PM
> To: Reflector;
> Subject: [FlexEdge] Announcing PowerSDR(TM) v2.0.19 RC1 Release Candidate
> Dear FlexRadio customers:
> FlexRadio is pleased to announce the availability of PowerSDR v2.0.19
> Release Candidate 1 (RC1) for public download from our website.  This
> version incorporates a totally new CW keying architecture that was written
> from the ground up to achieve minimum jitter and latency using both
> internal
> and external keyers.   To say this is a rewrite is a bit of an
> understatement.  We got out Farnsworth and started from "dit."  Everything
> is right now in "PARIS."
> We have also done significant work since the v2.0.16 beta release to
> improve
> installation and overall out of box experience on all radios.  We have
> optimized the USB driver for the FLEX-1500 to perform well on a wide range
> of PC platforms.  We have also incorporated a new FireWire driver with less
> CPU overhead on Windows 7 systems.  The number of little and not so little
> bug fixes are too numerous to mention here.  Check out the change log and
> release notes.  A note about release notes, PLEASE READ the them to get the
> most from your FlexRadio.
> The URL for the release notes is:
> The URL for the installer software is:
> We are very excited about v2.0.19 RC1 as we enter the final steps toward
> the
> PowerSDR v2.0.x Official Release.  We thank you for your patience and
> support while we have been preparing this important release.  We request
> you
> report any bugs found in this release to the bug tracker at
>  Be sure to note 2.0.19
> RC1
> in the Software Product Version field as we will be focusing our attention
> on those specific reports.
> We would like to say a special thanks to our beta team for their tireless
> support in testing a number of interim releases to get here.
> We are taking the weekend off but 2.1 starts on Monday.  In the software
> world it is never finished.
> Warmest 73s,
> Gerald
> Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
> President and CEO
> FlexRadio Systems(TM)
> 13091 Pond Springs Road, #250
> Austin, TX 78729
> Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 202
> Email:
> Web: <>
> Tune In Excitement (TM)
> PowerSDR(TM) is a trademark of FlexRadio Systems
> _______________________________________________
> Flexedge mailing list
> This is the FlexRadio Systems e-mail Reflector called FlexEdge.  It is used
> for posting topics related to SDR software development and experimentalist
> who are using beta versions of the software.
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