Its a good question and I think the answer is the target market. ASUS (the
brand) is for mainstream/business customers and built to last forever (which
in the PC world is 3 years). You will notice a warranty difference between
Asrock (1 year) and ASUS (3 years) which is a tipoff.

Asrock is meant for gaming enthusiasts and motherboard latency is a big
issue to those guys (bless their little geeky hearts!) I cannot tell you how
amazing it is to see a board out of the box show 25-35uS in comparison with
ASUS 80-125! There are some that say the difference is not noticeable to the
SDR operator and I counter by saying, have you used one that has effectively
zero latency? If you have and feel no difference, would you pay the same
money for box A with 25-35uS as for 80-125 and not care which one?

Asrock also prides itself on being the first to market on new chipsets, etc
and again that is in deference to the gaming geeks (and me)!

There are real reasons to select an ASUS board, especially with the
warranty. But these things tend to fail out of the box if they are going to
fail on their own (ie, not due to other component failure or
static/lightning) so its a good bet that you will not see value in 1 vs 3
year warranty.

I wish reviewers of mobos used DPCLat regularly to show the figures!
Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
(540) 645 5394 NEW PHONE NUMBER

Amateur Radio: K3NC
DXBase bug reports: email to
Abroham Neal forums: http:/

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 6:22 AM, Alan NV8A <> wrote:

> On 02/23/11 11:40 pm, Neal Campbell wrote:
>  I guess first requirement is that you have enough processing muscle to do
>> the job. This means normally a CPU with multiple cores and a L2/L3 cache
>> over 1MB.
>> Secondly, you need a motherboard well-engineered to reduce latencies. So
>> far, Asrock boards are the King of the Hill by a long shot. ASUS is
>> second.
>> Everyone else is third.
> <snip>
> AIUI, ASRock is an "economy-level" line spun off from Asus, so what has
> ASRock done differently to achieve the better DPC figures?
> 73
> Alan NV8A
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