A million different opinions, Mike, and all of them valid.  My suggestion,
go to a ham's QTH and see for yourself.  Or go to HRO/AES and lay your hands
on some of them.

I wanted a tank that was idiot/mistake-proof and simple to hook up.  I
wanted instant-on.  I wanted to avoid the MFJ lottery of hit-or-miss.  At
the time I was not into 6 meters (still not into it in terms of needing more
than 100 watts).  So I went with a THP 1.2KfX.  Best money I ever spent
after buying the Flex 3000.  500-600 watts out.  $2500 dollars, but it
worked out of the box last December and it has never failed me.  CW QSK,
RTTY full duty cycle, plugged into regular wall outlet.  For the occasional
tuning need, I got an LDG-600 just in case.

It works. I hooked up the RCA QSK connector, plugged in the amp, and BAM!
Off and running.

I bust pileups all the time now with my hex beam antennas (20-10) and
inverted L / halfsquares (30-160).  I am only interested in DX.  This gives
me the edge I need to increase my count.  I'm now at 287.  The amp let me
punch through to 9M2, XV, KH0.  Also got through to YI9PSE on several bands,
ST0R, TY1, etc. etc.

At first my wife thought I was crazy for shelling out that much.  But every
weekend since last December I walk out of the shack with a grin on my face
and tell her: "Honey, thanks for that THP amp you got me for Christmas last
year.  Guess what pileup I just broke through?" She just chuckles and says
"Yes dear.  See you later, I am headed out to the barn to ride the

She has her obsession, I have mine.  Still, I am the luckiest guy in the
world with my XYL, she is unconditional in supporting my hobby).

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG
Greensboro, NC  FM06be

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