No flames from me, I enjoy contesting myself. I also enjoy using a straight key, running digital modes and the occasional ragchew. The joy in ham radio is finding what interests you, not what others do that annoys you.

Just to address a couple things I've seen posted in relation to the 60M band. No, we aren't the only ones with access. For the list, see

Yes, we are secondary users on the band. Without looking it up, I believe that we are also secondary users on the 1.25M and 70CM bands as well and that hasn't prevented contesting in those bands. There is plenty of contest free spectrum other than 60M. 30M, 17M, 12M all provide a nice place to play when the contests are running. 12M was lousy with DX this last weekend.

I'd much rather deal with a weekend full of contesters, than trying to find spectrum that isn't inhabited around the clock with the 'Fine Business Old Man, How's Your Prostate?' nets.

Outside of ham radio, I don't think I've known a more inflexible segment of humanity.

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