I am having a problem with my new Flex 3000 and PSDR 2.2.3.  After the radio
has been turned on for some time the audio becomes very distorted.
Sometimes, this takes the form of "motor-boating" and at other times it is
more like a low freq hum on top of signals.   This seems to happen after
perhaps 30 minutes of on time.  As soon as I stop PSDR and restart it via
the "Start" button the problem disappears.


I have experimented with all the combinations of buffer size and sample rate
but to no avail.  My computer is not the latest - about five years old - but
seems to work OK in other respects with the radio.  The CPU usage runs about
60% while using PSDR along with Explorer and Outlook running.  It is a 3GHz
dual core Pentium with 3 GB memory and running Windows 7.  Probably a new
computer in my future soon!


Would appreciate any advice/hints as to a fix. 




73, Tom K1FR


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