
If you haven't already checked, launch WSJT, goto setup then options, and confirm that your audio input device is 4 and the audio output device is 9 according to your WSJT screen. I have noticed that depending on which order you started the Flex and WSJT, the device map can change.

Mike - WB2RVX

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Tynan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:08 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] VAC Problem

Thanks to a knowledgable Flexer using TeamViewer, I had VAC and several digital modes working, including DigiPan. I was decoding PSK-31 amd even had a couple of 2 meter QSOs on it. (No HF antennas here at present)

Then a virus struck my computer and I had to have it wiped clean and XP reinstalled. Of course, I lost all programs. Luckily, I had no data as such in the radio computer.

I managed to get Power SDR reinstalled and working OK, but I was without VAC and WSJT.

Another friendly Flexer, again using TeamViewer, installed VAC for me. Howver, nothing is working. I installed WSJT and DigiPan.

The WSJT screen shows:

Audio           Input         Output         Device Name
Device        Channels  Channels
0 2 0 Microsoft Sound Mapper -input
  1                  2                0            FlexRadio Audio
  2                  2                0            SigmaTel Audio
  3                  2                0            Virtual Cale 1
  4                  2                0            Virtual calbe 2
5 0 2 Microsoft Sound Mapper - output
  6                  0                2            FlexRadio Audio
  7                  0                2            FlexRadio SPDIF/AC3
  8                  0                2            SignalTel Audio
  9                  0                2            Vitual Cable 1
10                 0                2            Virtual cable 2

Error opening input audio stream :
Errortext Unanticipated host error
Number: -9999
Error 1 in JT audio. You will only be able to work offline.

I do not remember that these particular settings appered before when things were working.

Where the Error message is now, it said something like "Data stream running normally."

When I try to bring up digiPan, I get a screen that says, "Sound card is already in use or does not exist"

If I bring up VAC, I get the Virtual Audio Control Panel with the following selections

Driver Parameters        Cable Parameters
Cables 2: Format Range SR 11025 48000 BPS 8 1 NC 1 2


Max Inst. 20 MS per Int 7 Stream fmt Cable Range Volume Control ckd

Connected Source Lines

Mic not ckd    Line ckd    S/PDF not ckd        Clock Cor %  100.000

In the box below:

Cable Max Instances MS per Int SR Range BPS Range NC Range Stream fmt Limit 1 20 7 11025 48000 8..16 1..2 Cable Range 2 20 7 11025 48000 8..16 1..2 Cable range
continuing across
Volume ctl     SR        BPS    NC  RC stms    PB stms
Enabled      48000     16        2        1                0
Enabled      48000     16        2        0                1

I hope someone can make heads or tails out of this and tell me what to adjust.

Thanks in advance.


Bill Tynan, W3XO
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