On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:18 AM, paim <paimg0...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> just my own opinion since we all live in very bad economy if the price of
> $7k or any in this area it is very high make me wonder how many people will
> buy
> black box for $7k or 7.000 euro or more , ?

Rumor has it that Flex already has over 100 orders. At $7000 apiece that is
well on its way to $1M in sales! I think that the 6700 is going to do very

> the price to add for update is make it high as well but not for all of us
> , I will say if the price is $2100 or in this area I will say update of
> $300 OR £300 WILL WORK GREAT FOR EVERY ONE  this for a year .flex will make
> more mony by doing it .since they will sale more and get more .
> yes it cost money nothing is for free  and I am sure flex will have 0 bug
> on since you pay for it no ??????
> flex keep the price down so every one will have this new 6700 and enjoy
> it  I hope they will

Eventually there will be a cost-reduced version of the direct sampling
radio. It will probably work its way down the chain, displacing the 5000,
then the 3000, and eventually the 1500. But that will take many years and
the appearance of less expensive components, e.g. analog-to-digital
converters, processors, and FPGAs.

So, if you wait, you will get the $2100 direct-sampling radio you desire. I
promise. But if you want one NOW, you are going to pay $7000 for it (here
in the US).

BTW, if you don't like the prices over there, complain to your government.
I think that Flex would happily sell you one directly if they could but ...

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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