
FlexRadio has *no *exclusive dealer agreements within the EU.  In fact, in
your country we sell through both of the UK's largest ham radio dealers,
ML&S and W&S.  They both do a very good job for us.  You are also free to
buy from dealers in other countries within the EU.
http://www.flexradio.com/About.aspx?topic=intldist  Many countries within
the EU have laws that are more onerous than those of Germany for direct
sales so we sell only through dealers in those countries so that they take
responsibility for legal compliance.


Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
President and CEO
FlexRadio Systems(TM)
Email: ger...@flexradio.com
Web: www.flexradio.com <http://www.flex-radio.com/>

Tune In Excitement (TM)
PowerSDR(TM) is a trademark of FlexRadio Systems

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 1:03 PM, David Painter

> Brian,
> I don't think it has anything to do with UK or even EU Governments per se.
> (Institutionalised theft (Taxation) I would agree with you. I believe it
> stems from the relatively poor sales positioning Flex has in Europe and
> their lack of clout with their dealer network who lock them into exclusive
> agreements so that they (the Dealers) can extort higher prices from their
> customers.
> If you look on the Flex site under On Line Store you will see that hams in
> Germany can obtain Flex eqpt direct from the US without restriction and
> they are, most decidedly, part of the EU.
> Its called 'restraint of trade' and is something the UK/EU has suffered
> from for years.
> Enjoy your new radio.
> David - G4PNX
> ---
> BTW, if you don't like the prices over there, complain to your government.
> I think that Flex would happily sell you one directly if they could but ...
> ---
> Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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