Nor can I.

If the VAC cables are set as per the recommendations in the PowerSDR v2.3.5 Release Notes and you use the following KB article as a guide ( it works just fine.

One thing to remember about Direct IQ, the sampling rate of the VAC cables is not determined by the VAC Sampling Rate drop down box in Setup - it is totally dependent on the sampling rate of the radio and if you thing about it it makes sense. You are getting direct IQ data from the QSD and that is entirely dependent on the radio's "audio" sampling rate.

So if your radio's is set to 96kHz then the subsequent CWSkimmer configuration needs to be set for 96 kHz also (as shown in the KB article).

I am currently running two instances of CWSkimmer on 20 and 40m @ 192 kHz with the FLEX-5000 + RX2 running PowerSDR v2.4.4

CAUTION: You do NOT want to use the "flexradio audio" audio device instead of running with a VAC cable (audio device). There was a very good reason it was removed from PowerSDR v2.4.4 and that is by using this audio device as the audio input into PowerSDR you can easily blow the PA in your radio because you are feeding complex audio directly into the QSE bypassing the DSP which provides the ALC for gain limiting into PA.

Tim Ellison
On 9/18/2012 9:41 AM, Jim Jannuzzo wrote:
Interesting discrepancy between your results and mine. I have CW Skimmer 
decoding wideband CW on my RX2, while simultaneously decoding other digi modes 
on my RX1 using DM780.  Several posters have reported problems hooking up CWS 
with 2.4, and I don't understand where the problem lies.
  I use DDutil from which to hang third party software, do you? Jim KJ2P> Date: 
Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:38:52 -0400
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] CW Skimmer - PowerSDR v2.4.4

I could never get it to work.  Between the problem with CW Skimmer and the
problem with DXLabs Winwarbler mentioned by Rich, W3ZJ, (below) I reverted
back to Ver. 2.3.5.
I did have a little trouble with DXLab's WinWarbler because it doesn't like
WDM. But since I feed the power speaker output from the Flex-3000 to the
line input on my computer sound card I was able to configure WinWarbler to
get its audio from the computer sound card instead of the VAC and that seems
to be working OK. I think what we are seeing here is some set up problems
because the Beta testers didn't have duplicates of all our various set ups
but so far it has all been solvable.
73, Rich - W3ZJ


on 9/17/12 12:03 PM, Hunter Mills at wrote:

I am having the same problem posted earlier by Bernie, W4BGH, but have not
fortunate to find a fix.
I have checked and re-checked my settings in PowerSDR, CSK, and VAC 4.1 but
can't get CSK to decipher.
It was working fine prior to PSDR v2.4.4 upgrade.
Only suggestion I could not try was using FlexRadio, instead of VAC Line 2, as
Signal I/O Device
in CSK.  For some reason, Windows XP is not providing that as an audio device
option (maybe a problem
with my PNP Emulator in XP).
I was using MME in CSK and VAC prior to upgrade but have changed them to
WDMS-K since the upgrade.
Any suggestions would be appreciated - Hunter K3IE. My setput is the same as Bernie's: 'I am not able to get CW Skimmer v 1.71 to decode properly with PowerSDR
v2.4.4 and a Flex-3000. The radio CAT commands seem to be working correctly
using PowerSDR v2.4.4
and DXLabs Commander.  CW Skimmer is setup as a secondary CAT control in
Commander using Kenwood CAT protocol.  The correct frequency is indicated in
both Commander and CW Skimmer. There is noise indicated in the CW-Skimmer
waterfall, however, there is no
CW decoding indicated. The Audio setup in CW Skimmer is: SoundCard Driver: WDM
Signal I/O Device: 04 Virtual Cable 2
Audio I/O Device: 03 Virtual Cable 1
Channels: Left/Right: I/Q
Shift Right Channel Data: 0 Samples The Radio setup in CW Skimmer is: Hardware
Type: SoftRock IF
CW Pitch: 750 Hz
Audio IF: 9750 Hz
Sample Rate: 96 kHz The PowerSDR v2.4.4 VAC setup is: Primary: Buffer Size:
1024 Sample Rate: 96000 VAC1: Enable VAC1... Checked Driver: Windows WDM-KS
Input: Virtual Cable 1 Output: Virtual Cable 2 Buffer Size: 1024 Sample Rate:
96000 Hz Mono/Stereo: unchecked Direct I/Q: checked Calibrate I/Q: checked
Buffer Latency: 120 Allow PTT to override... checked
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