wa3...@atlanticbb.net wrote:
I understand that the noise blanker is not operatalbe in digital modes with the newest version. Earlier this week on eme using 2.4.4 with the noise blanker in the Flex signals were copyable, without the weak signals were not. Turning the NB off only seems to help when nearby signals are strong and the station I am trying to copy is well out of the noise. I am using vac so going to SSB mode is not an option.
Why not? I use VAC on SSB to convey audio from WinWarbler's digital voice keyer to PSDR. Just uncheck the VAC "Enable for Digital modes. Disable for all others" and enable VAC in your SSB transmit profile(s) . Someone said the other day that you can't enable VOX with VAC turned on. I don't know I never tired that. I don't like VOX and use a foot switch instead.
I would like to upgrade to 2.5.5 with the fixes and enhancements but without the NB in digital mode it is a step backwards for me.
I have no problem using NB on digital modes with 2.5.3 though I have never needed it at my home QTH.

73, Rich - W3ZJ
Paul, wa3qpx

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