Dave : 

With my Flex-1500 I had been successfully running Powersdr on a late-2009 
Uni-Body Macbook with WIN 7 32-bit, until i bought a dedicated quad-core PC 
laptop for 
for Ham Radio use.  I’m assuming that your Mini is at least a dual-core (Intel 
Core Solo Mini’s are quite rare) so you should be fine. 

One of the reasons that Macs run Windows quit well is that you can’t buy a Mac 
with Windows pre installed, so you have to do a clean install. You don't
end up with all of the software junk that the computer vendors include with new 
PCs.  Also I think that the Mac Windows drivers are quite good, so Mac's make a 
and stable platform to run Windows. 

Which Flex Radio are you thinking of ? 


Michael VE3WMB

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:56:27 -0500
From: Dave Sublette <k...@arrl.net>
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] New subscriber__ computer question
Message-ID: <52ebab8b.4000...@arrl.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Good morning,

I subscribed to this list because I am considering a Flex-radio for my 
next purchase.  I'm wondering if my present computer is adequate.  I am 
running Windows 7/64 bit on a Mac-Mini.  Yes, I am one of those.  I 
believe the Mac hardware runs Windows faster and more reliably than does 
the PC hardware.  No, I'm not trying to start a discussion about this 
concept.  I just want to know if I can run the radio with it.,

Thanks & 73,

Dave, K4TO
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