Ah, suddenly there is much interest in scenery building. I will try to
hack up a small docu until (including) next weekend, but can't promise

You wrote:

>Hello all,
>I am interested in adding some airport buildings and runways to fgfs. 

I think runways and buildings are very different beasts. In the
current, automated scenery generation, several input sources for
elevation, airports and land use etc are used to form "one" scenery.
Runways are cut out of the terrain, so to speak. I have no experience
with this.

Buildings, static vehicles and planes etc can be added onto the
scenery. Originally we added them directly into the scenery, now we
just use files in a format that plib and therefore fgfs can read for
every building and car etc and tell fgfs inside a *.ind file how to
place them. In the FAQ, there is one way how to find the numbers you
need to position something inside fgfs's world. I would suggest you
start with that. 

AFAIK there are easily build (under Linux) converters atg2btg and
btg2atg. Under Windows, I only compiled one (btg2atg). I could look at
the resulting ascii file in PPE, generate a *.ind file and use the
original binary file in fgfs together with the *.ind file (always
ascii) and additional files in any format plib reads. See the table

Bye bye,
Wolfram Kuss.

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