
>2) The .ind file doesn't seem to work, how ever the new file .stg which seems 
>to be for a similar purpose (based on my very limited understanding) is where 
>one has to put the OBJECT_STATIC info.

<much head scratching> <trying to remember back> Did *.stg supersede
*.ind ? That might be.

>There are already runway objects in fgfs right? 

There are already runways. I would not call them objects, since they
are part of the landscape.

>However I can only find .rgb files like grass_rwy.rgb, dirt_rwy.rgb and not 
>any grass_rwy.ac or dirt_rwy.ac. So I am missing somefile, seems unlikely has 
>I am able to see runways at kfso and other places.

In the old fgfs I have on my harddisc, inside the textures dir there
is a runway dir with many textures inside.

>Keep :-)

Bye bye,

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