David Megginson wrote:
> Curtis L. Olson writes:
>  > - At one point we were playing around with 1024x1024 textures but
>  >   consider that a single RGB texture at that resolution with
>  >   mipmapping turned on can consume about 6Mb of your cards RAM so I
>  >   think in general we should shoot for 256x256 resolution ground cover
>  >   textures for general distribution.
> An alternative is to stick with 256x256 but allow the textures to
> cover a larger area.  I experimented with 5km x 5km and even 10km x
> 10km textures, and the effect is *much* better from altitude, since it
> eliminates most of the repetition.  They look pretty bad under 1,000ft
> AGL, but from about 3000' AGL up (i.e. where you'll be almost all the
> time) there's no obvious blurriness at all.

A good exercise for OpenGL gurus would be to add double texturing with
one layer like you describe and another with the textures like we have
them already.


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