throttle1000 writes:
>I am bretty busy with my moving map project at the moment.

Got a URL
Have you seen

>And I have no idea about what is done in the FG project so far. To me it
>looks a bit
>messy. I would start by making it more solid. There seems to be lot of
>coded ideas hanging half done evrywhere. Maybe because I cannot create
>a nicly working version on my PC/Win98.

Here is a link to a Win32 executable of the current CVS files

This needs the current 'base' files

>And when running some version -
>it has bugs - and the cockpit looks stupid - and the sounds vanish after
>I see lot to be improved but nobody cares? Argh! And I cannot download
>the latest binaries from the ftp server! Too big project - too few peoble!
>Try to use ready made as much as possible to speed up! That's why to
>use MS formats.

All I read is a lot of 'gripes' about why we aren't doing this and or why
we just borrowing from MSFS interspersed with an insult here and there but
you are to busy to help us do any coding,

All this from a 'non-named' 'new poster' from a 'hotmail' account

Hope the 'tune' changes else this troll is 'throttled' to my kill file !



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