I say what I think! And I think what I want! Realistic feedback is
never too bad. I am just realistic about my ability to produce code.
It's not too many lines a day. If I have too many projects - nothing
gets never done.

> Hey
> All I read is a lot of 'gripes' about why we aren't doing this and or why
> aren't
> we just borrowing from MSFS interspersed with an insult here and there but
> you are to busy to help us do any coding,

I rather am anonym. If that is a problem for you ... do what ever! I have
reading this FGFS stuff about a year now! (And programming 25 years) So
I think I can say something .. and thats why these forums are here anyway.

> All this from a 'non-named' 'new poster' from a 'hotmail' account

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