Christian Mayer writes:
> PS: So there's just the #include <zlib.h> issue left to be
>     fully MSVC "friendly"...

Typically in the unix world, you would install packages like zlib into
a place where the compiler expects to see them, or some other place
and inform the compiler where to look.

In the linux world, the packaged version of zlib would typically
install the library in /usr/lib/libzlib.a and the header in

If you were compiling and building the package from source yourself,
the convention is 'usually' that you put it in /usr/local, so
/usr/local/lib/libzlib.a and /usr/local/include/zlib.h

The "configure" script automatically tells the make system to tell the
command line compiler to look in /usr/local/ for includes and libs:
-I/usr/local/include and -L/usr/local/lib

I would think that in MSVC you should be able to do something
analogous.  Either install the libs and headers someplace where the
MSVC compiler expects to find these things, or install them someplace
else and tell the compiler where to find them.

I don't consider this an 'issue' with flightgear or simgear unless you
tell me MSVC is absolutely not capable of handling user installed libs
and headers ... and in that case we would be forced to come up with
some work around.  zlib is a very nice library which is worth
installing 'system wide' so it is avaible for use with any software
you are building.


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab         FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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