> It's in FG CVS now.
> > fix it forever ... death to QNAN = bliss :-))

JSBSim - ok, got the new FGInitialCondition.cpp
with vers 1.33 2002:01:24 ... I certainly 'like'
the few added protective if( vt < 0.01 ) return 0;

Let's see if that helps ... Also some other
small updates - httpd.cxx, light.cxx, options.cxx,
etc. Just a small list today ...

Must look again how to 'fix' options.cxx
instead of adding -
    char * envp = "D:\\FGFS\\FlightGear\\Scenery";
Something was said about 'setting' props???

But for now will try the default FDM using only
the cvs fgfsbase scenery files ... small sub-set.

And i remember to 'comment out' my system.fgfsrc -
ie add # to beginning of each line.

It WORKED! Great stuff ... with patients it only
took 3 mouse clicks to get mags both on - Shift-1,
then space bar kicked the motor into life ...

Ok, now where's the parking break so I can run the
motor up, and test left and right mag drops? Nah!
I'll do that next time ... anyway the chief has just
brought it back from a check-out so think the motor's
ok today (i says to myself) ...

Push the throttle open (=back slider on my MS SideWider
js) and watching the IAS rise is always a great feeling ...

A little difficult to correct the left swing when
zillions of HDD io events are also happening ...

But get the nose up, IAS holding, we're FLYING ...

Great stuff. Tried a simple 1,000 ft circuit, like
KSFO was my own small private field ... As always
the tiling and scenery means you have to sort of
'freeze input' for several seconds now and again ...
But this is not the FDM's fault alone ...

Well noted the new log output is (many of) ...
f3-f1= 1701.6777
f3-f1= 1701.6777
f3-f1= 1701.9759
Now that we've seen this maybe it can be turned
OFF :-))

Do not quite 'understand' the stream after -
f3-f1= 1701.8808

  Trim successful

  JSBSim State
  Trim complete
... on and on and on ...

Actually I was never able to STOP the FDM.
Maybe if I shut the engine off? But the
brake seemed not to work ... right to
the very end of the session I got ...

Program exit requested.
Updating light parameters.
  Sun angle = 56.4362
  ambient = 0.252872  diffuse = 0.996426  sky = 0.991851
Program exiting normally at user request.

Sort of bumping forward over the ground ... but this
is MINOR compared to the QNAN which seems to have
died ... thank's again, and phew ... a gremlin bites
the dust ...

Many thanks for keeping on with this ...



PS: Time is running, but will try YASim over
the next few days again. Maybe if it is the
'first' fdm to run after the system boot ... and
back to magic ...

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