On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 04:59, Geoff McLane wrote:
> A sg/fg (DEBUG) build on yesterdays/todays simgear/flightgear trees
> worked well with --fdm=magic.
> JSBSim stops after the QNAN's,

There is a fix for the FGInitialCondition problem in JSBSim
CVS, don't think it has migrated its way into FG, though.

If you want it, you should be able to grab just that file
from the CVS logs.

> and now YASim c172 seems unable to get speed to lift off ...
> Just one of those days ...
> But with quiet patience i can really 'fly the magic carpet' ... I
> 'must' remember to adjust src\main\options.cxx per -
>     // SET independent location for scenery data
>     // no ENV VAR - char *envp = ::getenv( "FG_SCENERY" );
>     char * envp = "D:\\FGFS\\FlightGear\\Scenery";
> where I unloaded my CD-ROM, otherwise I reach a 'watery
> world' quite quickly ... and I do not set FG_SCENERY.
> (a) the <zlib.h> question
> As a user of zlib objects in other projects, i do not care
> which way 'we' go on this ...
> If i have to remember to add a 'zlib' path(s) to my msvc6
> dsw/dsp files, then this is no big shakes ... That's what
> 'Project - Settings' is for ...
> In my case it effects -
> simgear/sg_zlib.h, and 2 other headers - no problem. I
> usually 'fix' them locally and get on with the compile ...
> (b) a HUD fps
> I have seen this sometimes ... i can see code to handle it,
> and it has worked, but I prefer the following snippets added
> directly to Cockpit\hud.cxx -
> At top, to quickly access fps -
> #ifndef  HUD_IN_XML
> #include <Include/general.hxx>
> #endif   // #ifndef  HUD_IN_XML
> and add this - just after the code -
>     char *gmt_str = get_formated_gmt_time();
>     HUD_TextList.add( fgText(40, 10, gmt_str, 0) );
> #ifndef  HUD_IN_XML
>     {
>        char buf[32];
>        sprintf(buf, "%d", general.get_iframe_rate() );
>        HUD_TextList.add( fgText(540, 10, buf, 0) );
>     }
> #endif   // #ifndef  HUD_IN_XML
> This means you have a 'permanent' fps HUD display.
> You may also note I have added a function to
> general.hxx, namely -
>     int get_iframe_rate() which in fact returns
> the int frame_rate, rather than converting it to a double
> first ... return what is there!
> To me things like -
>        sprintf(buf, "%0.1f", general.get_frame_rate() );
> give the WRONG impression - that we are interested
> in frame rates below 1 - when in fact i seek 10, if not
> 10's, 100's ... AFAP ...
> (c) Compiler / Linker - Model
> I will mention again, that since metakit's win
> msvc6 'default' build is 'MultiThreaded DLL', I link with
> my PLIB libraries also compiled with this SAME 'model'.
> And of course I compile SimGear.lib and
> FlightGear.exe using this same 'model' ...
> (d) SimGear
> ... emitted some 'linkage' warning - something like -
> char *str...( ... );
> I think - conflicted with a msvc6/msdn-sdk header definition,
> but only a 'warning' ... all ok.
> (e) downloaded from -
> > >> http://www.vso.cape.com/~nhv/files/fgfs/fgfs.exe.gz
> but the exe date has not changed, and it still ends at -
> ********* Before globals->saveInitialState()
> (f) am2dsp had not been run to -
>    i - remove FGMatrix.cpp/hxx, and
>   ii - add YASim SimpleJet.cpp
> and the CFG file shows an incomplete PLIB list,
> and includes js, which should not be there.
> But otherwise a GREAT flight simulator. Thanks for
> the efforts all around ... Being able to 'wisk' accross
> USA at some 4000 <somethings> at 15000 feet is
> a fantastic exercise ... data, video, organisation,
> calculation, etc ...
> Unfortunately I will be 'away' for most of Feb
> and Mar - actually in sydney, aust., but no
> 'computer' ... so will have to miss some ...
> rgds,
> Geoff.
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Tony Peden
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