On Sun, 2002-02-10 at 06:32, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> * Tony Peden -- Sunday 10 February 2002 15:20:
> > I'm trying to put together an engineering display for the panels.  At
> > this point, I've gotten everything to work except that I can't seem to
> > get the texture to load, all I get is a red square.  It's a 256x64 rgb
> > based on the navcom radio texture that I created in the Gimp.  The path
> > in the xml files is correct and there doesn't seem to be any error
> > messages in the console log, so I'm a bit mystified.  Can anyone offer
> > any suggestions?
> No, unfortunately not. But I see a similar effect if I run fgfs together
> with Atlas. Some textures in fgfs are then replaced by the font texture,
> i.e. a black square with white text, all over the landscape! Very ugly!
> My guess is, that the texture memory of my graphics card is exhausted
> and I get some other texture instead.

Hmm, well, I've got a 64MB card so I wouldn't think that'd be an issue.
Of course, I do have AGP turned off ...

> m.
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Tony Peden
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