Tony Peden wrote:
 > David Megginson wrote:
 > > Tony Peden wrote:
 > > > I certainly like the idea of having some sort of units indicator
 > > > on every property name, though I agree risk of breakage is high
 > > > in this case.
 > >
 > > I can change everything in FlightGear and the base package, but I'm
 > > worried about breaking people's private config files, especially for
 > > joysticks.
 > Well, leaving them as they are certainly won't be a problem for the
 > current developers -- the units for those have been percent for as long
 > as I can remember.  And percent are non-dimensional, so no units
 > indicator is probably just as correct as -pct or -nd or whatever.

I agree in general.  I'd suggest the use of -fraction or somesuch
instead of -pct if the range is 0:1, as it is for most of these
properties currently.  Even non-dimensional numbers need units to tell
you how to interpret them.  Sometimes percent really is more
appropriate; consider N1 and N2 turbine speeds.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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