> True, if one actually uses slugs.  In practice, one doesn't.  What's
> the unit for empty weight?  Fuel amounts?  Payload?  All pounds.  Find
> me a reference that gives air density in slugs per cubic foot, or
> pressure in pounds per square foot.  If you don't use the consistent
> units consistently, having them isn't much help.  If you pick slugs
> for mass, you should never see pounds.  If it's to be feet for length,
> inches shouldn't exist, etc...

Somewhere, there is a handy library that you give a number and its units ...
and it gives you back another number and different units (but the same value),
where the units have been chosen to make the number have few non-zero digits.

eg 2.5  cm -> 1 in
   3.0  cm -> 3 cm
   3.05 cm -> 0.1 ft
   9.0  cm -> 9 cm
   9.5  cm -> 0.1 yd
   10.0 cm -> 1 dm

But those examples are only for one degree of freedom on the unit.
Things really get interesting when reporting acceleration, since this
needs three units.  The program will happily use lightyears/millennium/month
if that reduces the number of neccessary digits by one.

When used in an automatic way to display live streaming data, it offers
considerable practice in using units.  Highly recommended for training. 8-)

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