On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 05:17:42PM -0600, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Paul Deppe writes:
> > A related question - after rebuilding with the makefile system, is there a
> > way to "make install" only the files which have changed?  For example,
> > suppose there is only a change to a .cxx file in plib/ssg.  I do a "make",
> > which rebuilds only libplibssg.a.  But when I do a "make install", all the
> > header files are also installed with new dates.  Then when I rebuild SimGear
> > and FlightGear, make thinks that the header files have changed and
> > recompiles everything which depends on the header files (which is just about
> > everything).  This effect ripples down from plib to SimGear to FlightGear to
> > Atlas.
> > 
> > It would save a lot of compile time if one could "make install" only the
> > files which have changed.  Is there a way to do this?
> Beyond identifying and copying just the changed files individually
> yourself by hand, I've never seen a way in unix to do this.
> If you know that there were changes only to a particular subdirectory,
> you could cd into and run make; make install from there.  You don't
> have to run make or make install only from the top level directory.
> That's one way you can often somewhat limit the number of changed
> install files and contain the cascading dependency effect.
> Otherwise, it's a good time to go refill your cup of coffee or maybe
> poke your head out into the living room and confirm to your family
> that you still exist.  (Expect some surprised looks the first few
> times you do this though.) :-)

You wouldn't have any personal experience, here, would you?

> Curt.
> -- 
> Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
> Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org
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