On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:00:54 -0600 (CST)
  "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I know for the general case an external graphing tool 
>would be most useful (and I think Jon B. has stuff to do this already.)

Yes, it's a very useful command line tool that plots files 
of CSV format (comma delimited value format) data, where 
the first line contains descriptions of the data. It can 
plot interactively or it can plot a standard set of graphs 
(producing .png image files) that are linked to via 
descriptive links from a main html web page. It is very 
slick. Unfortunately it uses a closed source library - the 
library is freely available for most platforms, but some 
people here don't like anything that is not completely 
open source. So, a nice alternative (in my mind) would be 
for someone to write a post-processor for the CSV files to 
plot (either interactively or via .XML input directive 
file, as I have now for "simplot") the data using pgplot, 
or some other open source plotting program.

In the near term, one of the quickie projects I want to do 
is to write a small routine that will produce color 
postscript reports as directed by a directives file. I've 
written several post-processing tools over the years 
(including one that used SGI GL to render 3D views of the 
Space Shuttle Orbiter separating from the External Tank in 
an abort study for NASA). Fun stuff. Anyhow, postscript is 
nice and simple, and GhostScript has some nice utilities 
for viewing them. Might be able to also convert them 
quickly to PDF format with pstopdf. There are lots of 
possibilities, but for me the important thing is to keep 
it simple, automated, and quick. 

Another nice thing to have would be a stripchart data 
display that could be run on a remote machine. If I only 
had a few more hours a week ...

>But, I was just thinking today that it might be cool to 
>have a built in grapher for simple / quick graphing needs.
>With the property system it would be trivial to pick an 
>arbitrary property from the property tree and graph it over time -- 
>superimposed on top of everything else.

I wonder if a remote (or even local) stripchart display 
program would be better?

>Things get a bit trickier if you want to control scaling, 
>how much time history get's graphed, multiple values, etc., but 
>even graphing a single value (or maybe just two values) over time could 
>be of some use.

You might want to do this via autoscaling, but with 
initial values suggested in a directives file.


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