FWIW thought I'd make a few comments on the new 3D view stuff, realizing that
it is still being worked on.

While the commercial sims give a 3D feel to the cockpit they aren't always
attempting to be true models.

In this screenshot from fs2k, note that while the perspective (eye to panel)
is ok, the left piller is missing to give better viewing with 3D mapped to 2D
display...where the pilot cannot move their head to change the view.  It looks
like there are a lot of photo textures being used. It also appears that the
perspective is not consistant with the exterior view angle.  In some cases it
makes sense to do this so that you can see the panel pretty much straight on
(necessary to read the gauges) and be able to see the runway well.  The yoke
must get in the way though (you can't lift your chin and look down over to see
a gauge):

This screenshot of a 747? panel shows little concern for 3D realism, but is 
a highly functional and usable panel. There's only so much you can do with 
guages anyway. The view perspective gives the computer pilot a straight on
view of the panel:

These are in Fly!.  And I have to say that the Fly! panels are the ones I like 
the best.  It isn't just the graphics and 3D modeling,  but the fact that the 
panels are unrealistically close to the (in 3D world) pilot's nose and the
perspective is always straight on (the same plane).  What is rightly
sacrificed in realism makes them look sharp, and of course readable.  The
panels scroll very much like the current 2D FlightGear panels:

Note that when you change the 3D cockpit view angle in Fly!, the panel in
effect becomes disabled and as far as I can tell is just a static texture on
the front wall of the aircraft model interior.  The knobs and controls are
hard enough to see and control using a mouse with a straight on view, let
alone when 3D perspective angles are mapped to 2D.

Anyway, just thought I'd bring these ideas to the discussion in case they are
of any value.



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