On Sunday, March 10, 2002, at 06:52 PM, Jim Wilson wrote:

> Jonathan Polley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> Does anyone have some documentation on how to build the preferences.xml
>> file?  I would like to write a "preferences manager," if such a tool does
>> no already exist, to make it easier to manage multiple aircraft
>> configurations and settings.  The goal for tool is as follows:
>>       Language: python 2.x (I know the language and it has good XML 
>> tools)
>>       GUI:      Tk (Tkinter is the standard GUI interface for python)
>>       Features: Load XML file, edit it, provide save/save as.
>> I also need to know how FDM specific the preferences file is.
>> I have some experience with Tkinter. but my GUIs tend to be a bit
>> "functional" (OK, ugly), and I will be learning XML at the same time.  
>> Any,
>>   and all, help will be greatly appreciated.
> The preferences file is not FDM specific at all.  The contents of
> preferences.xml in the base package are for the most part self 
> explanatory,
> specifying the default settings for things like which aircraft/fdm, screen
> size, where the *-panel.xml file is located and what frequencies to set 
> the
> radios to.

I have to beg to differ on this one.  For those few command line arguments 
that I have used, I can find mappings in the preferences files.  Where I 
do not kow the command line arguments, the preferences file is not very 
clear.  For example:

   <nav n="0">
   <nav n="1">
   <hsi n="0">

While I can guess at what is going on in the above block, I have now\ idea 
what modifications are valid.  Can I have a third nav radio?  I am 
assuming that <nav n="0"> is the settings for the first nav radio.  How 
can I change the model to the 747 and can I do it in a portable way 
(across YASim, UIUC, and JSBSim)?  What all needs to change with the model?
   To the uninitiated, the <controls> section is another major area of 
confusion.  I suppose that commenting the XML file as to valid ranges, 
configuration options, etc., would help someone like myself.

Jonathan Polley

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