Sounds like a worth while (sp?) project!
The XML files get IMVHO more and more confusing.
Maybe lets do the big reorg that Dave speaks about first, with the
hope that things won't change often afterwards. When doing the python
scripts to generate the very very rudimentary plane xmls on my website,
I saw that for example the spelling of z-offset changed twice and I
was told to use a third spelling. Also, it is not clear to me, what
the different xmls are for (what does -dpm, -set etc mean? "set" as in
set options? Don't all xmls set options?) and whether you can use all
properties in all XMLs and whether you can use all on the command
So, a UI that showed you what you can do would be very nice. If you
use python, you can include my stuff. I would love someone expand on
it and say I download a MSFS 3D model, Python unpacks it, moves all
files, generates warnings if applicable telling me what to do (for
ex.: !This is an old MSFS 95 model, you need to convert it with the MS
converter first, sorry!"), lets me create a *.ppeloc file, generates
the XML file with the z-offset and the pitch-deg for me, lets me
choose a FDM, panel etc, inputs it into the XMLs, generates a small
batch file to call everything, etc.

Bye bye,

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