Norman Vine writes:
 > David Megginson writes:
 > >
 > >Norman Vine writes:
 > >>
 > >Old binary (about 2 days old, pre-property changes)
 > >---------------------------------------------------
 > > From 4,000 ft: 45-46 fps
 > > From 8,000 ft: 29-30 fps
 > >
 > >Current CVS
 > >-----------
 > > From 4,000 ft: 49-50 fps
 > > From 8,000 ft: 35-36 fps
 > This speedup is most likely my new hitlist code 8-10%

I checked the dates, and I installed my old binary on Monday evening,
after your hitlist code was already incorporated, so unfortunately it
doesn't come into the equation.  I don't have any similar test from
before that, but it could be that the framerate was even slower
before.  I have no idea what caused this speedup -- I doubt it was the
property rewrite.

 > >Current CVS with Norm's main.cxx patch added
 > >--------------------------------------------
 > > From 4,000 ft: 49 fps
 > > From 8,000 ft: 35 fps
 > Hmm...
 > My guess is that this has something todo with your running in
 > a wIndow and glut is doing stuff behind the scenes that is not 
 > necessary on a windows box in game mode

That is possible.  We're on different OS's with different windowing
systems and drivers -- you may have identified a performance bug that
affects only Windows systems.  I posted your main.cxx to a temporary
URL (, and I'd love to
hear from other Windows users.

All the best,


David Megginson

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