Tony Peden writes:

 > Also, I was able to better quantify the performance change due to
 > incorporating the properties code.  Prior to this, I had done speed
 > comparisons with the profiling code compiled in, but now I'm not so sure
 > that's fair.  So:
 > pre-props: 1.3 seconds average
 > post-props: 1.4 seconds average
 > or about an 8% loss in speed.

I'm not surprised that you'd see a small slowdown with heavy property
use, but I'm surprised that you're seeing this in standalone JSBSim.

I looked at the current JSBSim code, and there are scarcely any
property accesses at all: as far as I can tell, only
FGCoefficient::Value and FGCoefficient::TotalValue methods touch the
property tree at all in the main loop, though I can imagine that these
are relatively heavily used.  What property-related methods show up
near the top in the profiling?

The other possibility is that the new multi-FDM stubs are slowing
things down, but that seems unlikely.

All the best,


David Megginson

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