> Try the version in FlightGear, not the standalone one.  I think my
> theory about you guys having optimization disabled is sounding more
> correct.  The one that gets built out of FlightGear's CVS uses the
> standard -O2 flag, and is dog slow.

OK, I ran a test using the -O2 setting just to see what difference it would
make - and again this is with the standalone version (due to a hardware
problem I had on my machine some weeks ago which required time in the shop
and rebuilding the development environment as well as current time
constraints I haven't been able to try this with the FlightGear build - I'll
have to rely on yours and other reports for the integrated build times).

With optimization turned on as described above I got a build time (total
rebuild) of 3 minutes 30 seconds. So, in my case it didn't quite double.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Tony, what do you see on your machine?


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