> Compiling...
> FGAerodynamics.cpp
> c:\src\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgaerodynamics.cpp(229) : error C2661:
> 'Tie' : no overloaded function takes 4 parameters
> Adding an ugly cast fixes the problem:
>   PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbx-aero-lbs", this,1,
>     (double (FGAerodynamics::*)(int) const) &FGAerodynamics::GetForces);
> A similar cast is required on every pointer to member function that
> takes an index, probably because there is a similar named member
> function that takes no index:
> class FGAerodynamics : public FGModel {
> ...
>   FGColumnVector3& GetForces(void) {return vForces;}
>   inline double GetForces(int n) const {return vForces(n);}
> On that note, since we are taking a pointer to a member function, the
> compiler must emit a function body.  Thus the member function can't be
> inline.  This may help decide which functions to inline.
> Cheers,
> Bernie

Are we doing something unusual, or is MSVC requiring something it shouldn't?


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