On Sunday, March 24, 2002, at 04:18 AM, Bernie Bright wrote:

> Jonathan Polley wrote:
>> On Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 03:37 AM, Erik Hofman wrote:
>>      Jonathan Polley wrote:
>>           After getting SimGear to build under MSVC 6.0 (thanks 
>> Christian), I moved on to getting all of FlightGear to build. For some 
>> reason, MSVC does not like JSBSim (over 1200 errors generated) but I had 
>> no problem under RH 7.1 (as usual). I expect that everything is a snow 
>> ball started from the errors in FGPropertyManager.h.
>>           The full build result file can be found at:
>>           http://homepage.mac.com/eq_fidget/FG_Dox/FlightGear.html
>>      It's just a matter of removing (*all*) the 'FGPropertyManager::' 
>> sections within the class (or file).
>>      Erik
>> When I do that, it complains about the multiple definitions of 'Tie.' 
>> When it starts failing the compile, it is on the second, and subsequent,
>>  definitions of 'FGPropertyManager::Tie.'
>> When I comment out *ALL* instances of 'Tie' (however you want to define 
>> it), I still get a major explosion which makes absolutely NO sense:
> [snip]
> You're right, it doesn't make any sense.  Perhaps you commented out too
> much?

I probably did.  I removed teh definitions rather than the removing the 
'FGPropertyManager::' portion of the definitions.

> Anyways, I've managed to compile a recent FlightGear JSBSim.  The
> problems I encountered seem to be that MSVC can not deduce which
> overloaded member function to call:
> Compiling...
> FGAerodynamics.cpp
> c:\src\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgaerodynamics.cpp(229) : error C2661:
> 'Tie' : no overloaded function takes 4 parameters

After Tony made his updates, I sent a post that told about the problems 
with the 'Tie' parameter counts:


> Adding an ugly cast fixes the problem:
>   PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbx-aero-lbs", this,1,
>     (double (FGAerodynamics::*)(int) const) &FGAerodynamics::GetForces);

I'll roll that change into my copy until it gets made permanently.  While 
we are on the subject of MSVC, were you able to link with the files from 
CVS?  In addition to the new files, I had to modify some other parts to 
the .dsp file(s) to make a link.


Jonathan Polley

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