Jon S Berndt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 18:44:23 -0500
>   "Norman Vine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >My take on this is that all we need is a 'fixed' position ie 'Center of
> >Geometry' returned by the FDM.  This fixed position can be anywhere 
> >on the AirFrame and it needs to be described more exactly in the 
> >individual model's configuration
> >file so as the Viewer part of the program can do it's thing
> Yeah, I think that's where we're headed. It might work 
> that we could keep doing things as we (JSBSim) are doing, 
> with an added step. The initial CG of the aircraft could 
> be defined to be the refernce point that we both 
> understand. We would continue to "burn fuel" and drop 
> stores and launch carried vehicles, etc. and change the 
> CG. However, when reporting location (lat/lon/alt) we'd 
> need to report NOT merely the location of the current 
> aircraft CG, but the location of the current aircraft CG 
> minus the delta from the original - i.e. the location of 
> the original CG. (?)

Ok, I think this means I can continue in the same direction with the viewer
code.  It would be just a matter of editing xml to switch from using
/position/lat||lon||alt to somewhere else in the property tree, so if folks 
want to experiment they can.   As for the xyz viewer eyepoint offsets, those
will be in the /sim/view[x] tree(s) and can be set with aircraft-set.xml or
whatever else.



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